Partnaire Group provides you with a personal account (hereafter “Personal Account”) so that you can manage your application and your jobs with Partnaire Group online.
You can use this account to share your information and documents with Partnaire Group branches, in order to optimize communication and give us a highly efficient way to contact you with job offers that match your skills.
These terms of use (hereafter “Terms of Use”) govern the use of your personal account.
Features of your Personal Account
You can use your Personal Account to:
- File your application with us;
- Upload the required documents;
- Make changes to certain information in your file if your situation changes (address, family situation, etc.).
Your Personal Account is a shared area: the information that you file there can be accessed by Partnaire branches. The branches can check and confirm this information, and they can update your file. They can also add information to your file at the agency directly if you so wish.
Your commitments
- a) You guarantee that the information that you enter and the documents that you upload to your Personal Account are accurate and sincere, and that you are aware that if you make a false declaration or provide us with forged documents you shall be held liable and could be prosecuted.
- b) The password you use to access your Personal Account is personal and confidential. You are responsible for ensuring that this confidentiality is maintained, and PARTNAIRE shall not under any circumstances be held liable if your file is accessed by a third party using your personal password.
- c) You shall refrain from taking any action that could affect the operation of the website on which your Personal Account is hosted such as, for example, attempting to hack the website or corrupting data, carrying out a denial-of-service attack, or more generally taking any action which may affect the availability or integrity of the website.
Email communication
You expressly agree to your email address being used for all communication with PARTNAIRE.
Availability of your Personal Account
Your Personal Account is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a high availability rate. You acknowledge, nevertheless, that technical issues can sometimes occur and prevent your Personal Account from functioning correctly. As far as possible, we shall inform you of any planned down time via a notice on the website.
Termination – Suspension
If it is established that you have failed to comply with these Terms of Use, PARTNAIRE may terminate or suspend your access to your Personal Account, as it alone sees fit. You will be notified by email of the termination or suspension of your account.
Application of the Terms of Use – Versioning – Access to the Terms of Use
We suggest that you print or download these Terms of Use in a lasting format of your choice and retain them for reference. We shall inform you by email when a new version of these Terms of Use is released. You will be required to accept the new version of the Terms of Use in order to continue using your Personal Account.
Personal data protection
PARTNAIRE undertakes to collect and process your personal data in accordance with the French data protection law (Act No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978) including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679).
Please read our Data Privacy Policy.
In it, you will find all the information you need to understand how we process your personal data, as well as your rights and how to exercise them.
Intellectual property
The appearance of the website, the layout of the content, and the texts, logo, brand, photos, etc. on the website, with the exception of the information that you yourself have filed, are the exclusive property of PARTNAIRE or its rights holders.
You shall refrain from any reuse, modification or reproduction of these items, under penalty of civil and criminal sanctions for counterfeiting.
Provisions relating to the termination of your Personal Account
Your Personal Account may be closed either because you submitted to PARTNAIRE the request for its closure by registered letter to the address given at the foot of this page, in which case PARTNAIRE will email you to confirm that your request has been received and is being processed, or in application of article 6.
Under no circumstances shall PARTNAIRE be held liable for losses resulting from i) an internet network malfunction, ii) a malfunction of your IT equipment, or iii) a case of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code.
PARTNAIRE shall use its best endeavours to identify job offers which match your skills, but is under no obligation to offer you a job. PARTNAIRE’s responsibility is limited to our obligations under the Terms of Use laid out hereby, and excluding all responsibility that may arise from any relations that you may enter into with a user company, or from the execution of your duties.
In all cases, PARTNAIRE’s responsibility for any proven prejudice resulting directly from the non-performance or inadequate performance of its contractual obligations is expressly limited to one thousand euros per event giving rise thereto.
Agreement on proof
You accept that:
- These Terms of Use, in electronic format, shall have the same probative value between the parties as the paper agreement;
- The identification elements, IT records, electronic signature certificates and electronic signatures shall be admissible in court and shall constitute proof of the data, consent and facts that they contain, and of the signatures they carry;
- Time markers shall be admissible in court and shall constitute proof of the data and facts they contain;
- Documents exchanged in electronic format shall be admissible in court and shall constitute proof of the data and facts they contain;
- An electronic signature on a document shall have the same legal effect as a written signature.
Applicable law
These Terms are governed by French law.